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A Texas State of Mind

September 29-October 1, 2024 | San Marcos, Texas


We trust that you will find immense value and enjoyment in the array of educational sessions we have meticulously curated for this year's TACUSPA Annual Conference at Texas State University! 

Monday, September 30, 2024

Educational Sessions - Block 1 (9:00am-9:50am)

5 I's Toolkit: A Comprehensive Student Access & Success Team

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 316

Carrie Williams & Nikki Barnett (Texas A&M University-Commerce)

Building a comprehensive Student Access & Success Team in higher education requires a thoughtful approach to address students' diverse needs holistically. The 5 I’s framework—Intentional, Innovative, Integrative, Intervening, and Implementing—offers a structured method to guide this process.

Dear Educators, a How-To Guide on Shaping First-Gen Leaders

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 315

Jamie Saucedo & Kameko Brown (Texas State University)

First-generation students have unique barriers to developing leadership skills. With insights from an undergrad student, this session offers ways to integrate Leadership Identity Development theory into practice by identifying tools to cultivate First-Gen Leaders.

Inspiring Change from Within: Your Role in Creating a Positive Work Culture

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 322

Kayanna Resetar (Texas A&M University) & Shelby Hearn (Texas A&M University at Galveston)

This session will explore how higher education professionals can actively contribute to and shape their work culture. Participants will learn strategies to foster a positive and inclusive environment that aligns with their values and aspirations, ultimately leading to enhanced job satisfaction, team cohesion, and institutional success.

Integrating Humanistic Theory with Leadership Practice in Higher Education: Cultivating Compassionate and Effective Leaders

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 326

Megan St. Vigne (Sam Houston State University)

This presentation explores integrating humanistic theory with leadership practices in higher education. By examining empathy, self-actualization, and ethical decision-making, we aim to inspire leaders to foster inclusive and compassionate academic environments that enhance student and faculty engagement.

New Pro on the Block: The Transition After Grad School

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 314

Marianna Canales (Texas State University) & Joclyn Martinez (Texas State University - Round Rock)

New professionals fresh out of graduate school often face challenges like imposter syndrome and adapting to the full-time demands. This session will explore the experiences of new professionals, share best practices, and provide a safe space for discussion/reflection. 

Educational Sessions - Block 2 (11:00am-11:50am)

Beyond the Title

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 322

Heather Snow (Texas Woman's University), Paul Kittle (University of Houston), & Molly Albart (University of Texas at Arlington)

As Student Affairs professionals it is very easy to get caught up in the hunt for the next promotion, title change, or salary increase.  As seasoned professionals and hiring managers, our panel asserts that there is SO much more to maximizing your career and role than what is included in the title or job description. This session will focus on maximizing your experience at each professional level to maximize your opportunities for professional growth. 

Closing the Gap: Investing in Successful Student Organization Culture 

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 314

Kian Greely & Jenny Walker (The University of Texas at Austin)

Learn how the University of Texas at Austin is helping student organizations reduce high-risk behaviors by reinforcing positive culture. The presenter will share how the Successful Student Organization Program Pilot, developed with institutional partners, can provide inspiration for how other campuses can increase capacity to address student organization risk management.

Expanding Horizons: Enhancing Student Support through Innovative Technology at Lamar State College Port Arthur

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 326

Dr. Tessie Bradford (Lamar State College Port Arthur) & Natalie Freese (ConexED)

This session will showcase how Lamar State College, Port Arthur (LSCPA), in partnership with ConexED, has successfully implemented innovative strategies to enhance student engagement, streamline technology integration, empower both students and staff, and build impactful partnerships. Today’s evolving educational landscape requires institutions to provide comprehensive student support services that cater to the diverse needs of all learners—including remote and non-traditional students—and our partnership efficiently and effectively do just that for students at Lamar State College.

Success Doesn’t Equal “Okay”: Honors Populations Need Us Too

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 316

Jana McCarthy (Austin Community College)

This session will explore research on student affairs support for high-achieving students, arguing they need more engagement than most institutions provide. Participants will hear feedback from high-achieving alumni and current students and then brainstorm/discuss initiatives to meet these needs.

Self-Care Activities for Hybrid Teams

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 325

Joycelyn Joya (Texas A&M University-San Antonio)

How can student affairs professionals integrate walking into their daily schedule regardless of whether they are in-person or remote? Learn about walking events that allowed academic advisors to explore their surroundings and reduce stress.

“What happens after I finish?”: Planning for post-doctoral life

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 315

Dr. Rafael Almanzar (Texas State University), Dr. Neil Golemo (Texas A&M University at Galveston), Dr. Lauren Brown (Texas A&M University), & Shelly Fordyce (Texas A&M University at Galveston)

This panel discussion explores the transition from doctoral studies to post-doctoral life utilizing William Bridges’ Transition Model (1998). Addressing the stages of Endings, Neutral Zone, and New Beginnings, attendees will hear from panelists, who are newly graduated doctoral students with diverse intersecting social identities. They will share their personal experiences, insights, and highlight the role of graduate supportive communities when navigating these transitions. Attendees will learn practical strategies to manage and successfully navigate the three stages of Bridges’ Transition Model to achieve personal and professional growth.

Educational Sessions - Block 3 (2:00pm-2:50pm)

Building Partnerships to Assess & Improve Student Wellbeing

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 315

Robert Tirso & Kelly Cox (Texas A&M University)

Nine departments in student affairs and student success partnered to assess and improve students’ well-being. We discuss how we forged our partnerships, assessed well-being, interviewed students, and implemented changes. We also discuss how the audience can implement similar efforts at their campuses.

From Student to Professional: Affective Leadership Practices

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 314

Lucy Reasons (Texas State University)

What led you to your current career? For many, including myself, positive experiences with a previous leader or mentor contributed to pursuing a career in higher education. During this discussion and activity-based session, participants will reflect on their own leadership strategies and discover how they can inspire a future higher education professional. By identifying successful leadership practices and applying them to a variety of case studies, participants will leave this session with concrete strategies they can apply to their own supervisory role.

Oh, The Choices You'll Have: M.S., Ed.D., Ph.D., J.D. Navigating Graduate Program Choices: Differences, Benefits & More

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 326

Kevin Bazner (Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi)

Explore the distinctions between graduate programs (Masters-level, EdD, PhD, J.D., etc.), focusing on their respective emphases on practical application vs. research. Gain insights into choosing the right doctoral path based on your career goals, with interactive discussions on aligning program selection with professional aspirations.

Tensions around Religion, Culture, and Geopolitics: Responding to Israeli and Palestine as a part of Free Speech on Campus

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 316

J Cody Nielsen (Convergence Strategies, VCU, Lesley University)

Since October 2023, campuses have been experiencing some of the most challenging moments regarding free speech and religious freedom known to date.  This session takes a renewed look at how we as professionals must focus our attention on training and equipping ourselves and students to understand discourse, free speech, and the campus. 

The State of the Field: Behavioral Intervention Teams

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 322

W. Scott Lewis, JD (TNG Consulting, LLC) & Heather Snow (Texas Woman's University)

The field of behavioral intervention is ever-evolving and improving. NABITA conducts a comprehensive survey every two years, collecting data on trends and patterns related to best practices and standards. This presentation will share the data & provide teams with tools to assist in shaping their BIT.

Educational Sessions - Block 4 (3:00pm-3:50pm)

Authentic Leadership 

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 315

Dr. Hope Pamplin (University of Houston, Downtown)

This interactive workshop is designed for leaders seeking to deepen their understanding of leadership styles and attributes while remaining true to their authentic selves. Through engaging, thought-provoking discussions, participants will explore the complexities of leadership, including the personal and professional stressors associated with leading effectively. The session will cover critical topics such as leadership dynamics, the concept of “leadership baggage,” and strategies for managing stress. Attendees will gain insights into the qualities and characteristics that foster successful leadership, both within their organizations and in their personal lives. Additionally, the workshop will provide practical strategies for avoiding burnout and navigating the challenges of leadership with authenticity. By the end of the session, leaders will leave with innovative ideas, renewed leadership camaraderie, and actionable tools to enhance their leadership journey.

Expressive Activity: 1st Amendment Rights of Speech

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 322

Dr. Kristen Harrell (Texas A&M University)

Expressive activity is a familiar presence on college and university campuses. International and national events often impact the ebb and flow of these events. This program provides information on First Amendment freedoms at public institutions.

Navigating Critical Incidents of Special Populations: A Case Study

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 316

Carrie Williams & Nikki Barnett (Texas A&M University-Commerce

This interactive workshop explores practical strategies for managing critical incidents involving traditionally marginalized student populations in higher education. Case studies of real-life scenarios foster collaborative practices and proactive measures to create a supportive campus environment.

Nourish & Thrive: Dishing Out Help for Hunger and More

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 326

Ariana Hernandez & Isaiah Ortiz (Texas Tech University)

Think of a student who shared with you that they were homeless, or perhaps you bought lunch for them because they didn't have the means to. We will present how our process and cross-programming have developed to better serve students experiencing a basic need deficiency.

The Magic Middle

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 325

Meredith Maddox (Texas Woman’s University)

This session is not about becoming a senior administrator. Instead, the forgotten middle professional is being given a voice. Their voice is not always stuck in a bottle trying to rise to the top. Mid-level professionals have great knowledge and context to share with all levels, and many of them enjoy what the middle provides through a balance of autonomy and interactions. This session is for those wanting to understand the mid-level professional and for those who want to develop better supportive strategies for mid-level employees.

Understanding Hope as Experienced by First-Generation College Students at HSIs

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 314

Claudia Amy Ayala (Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi)

The purpose of this program is to share the findings of a recent dissertation focused on first-generation college students. The objectives of the educational session are to describe 1) how the phenomenon of hope was experienced by first-generation college students at South Texas HSIs, 2) how student affairs contributed to that hope, and 3) how the student's related spaces on their campus to their experiences of hope. Participants will be invited to share on their own experiences with hope and explore recommendations to develop a culture of hope on their campus.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Educational Sessions - Block 5 (10:10am-11:00am)

Assessing Co-Curricular Support for Online Learning

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 314

Valerie Osland Paton (Texas Tech University) & Justin R. Louder (Anthology)

Student affairs practitioners embrace institutional effectiveness practices to improve student learning and engagement, comply with accreditation standards, and demonstrate professional best practice. As online learning environments permeate student learning experiences, co-curricular assessment for online environments is critical.

Bigger isn’t better; Navigating Transfer Shock

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 325

Rebekah Gormley (University of North Texas)

This session will explore Transfer Shock and Transfer Student Capital for students transferring to larger institutions. We will discuss effective strategies such as peer mentor programs, creating small support communities, and campus involvement to address unique needs of transfer students.

Emotionally Intelligent Leadership: Applications & Connections to Career Readiness in Leadership Education

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 316

Paige Haber-Curran (Texas State University)

With a focus on career readiness and leadership education, the presenter will introduce and discuss the Emotionally Intelligent Leadership (EIL) model. The EIL framework directly aligns with intended aims and outcomes of higher education, particularly those emphasized in NACE’s Career Readiness Competencies. The presenter will make connections between EIL and career readiness explicit, highlighting key EIL facets and capacities directly aligned with NACE’s career readiness framework.

Fostering Student Success at HSIs: Building Bridges Between Student Affairs and Faculty

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 326

Bernadette Marie Flores, Kristeen Baum, & Gillian Benedetti (Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi)

The purpose is to explore and share best practices for enhancing student success at Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs) by fostering collaborative partnerships between student affairs and faculty. By the end of this roundtable, participants will be equipped with actionable strategies to strengthen collaboration between student affairs and faculty, resulting in improved student outcomes at HSIs. Effective collaboration between student affairs and faculty is paramount for HSIs to create inclusive and supportive environments that foster student success. By sharing best practices and challenges, this roundtable will contribute to a stronger community of practice among HSI professionals. To maximize participant engagement, the roundtable will incorporate a group discussion and open dialogue to explore best practices and challenges.

STAND Up: Trauma-informed care

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 315

Kristen Harrell & Jon Hill (Texas A&M University)

This program provides an overview of Texas A&M's interactive STAND Up workshop that trains students, faculty, and staff how to have trauma-informed conversations with individuals who disclose experience with interpersonal violence. This session includes exercises utilized in the workshop.

Title IX in Texas

Room: LBJ Student Center Room 322

W. Scott Lewis, JD (TNG Consulting, LLC), Heather Snow (Texas Woman's University), & Matthew Gregory (Texas Tech University)

It is challenging for institutions to keep up with the swinging pendulum of the Title IX regulations and requirements – especially in Texas. This session will help you wade through the landscape to find clarity and the solid practices to ensure you have a reputable, fair compliance program of integrity.

Contact us at tacuspa@tacuspa.net for general inquires

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